Blogs & Articles

How Ascent Training Management System's Rich Library Enhances Every Training Session

A quality Training Management System (TMS) has become indispensable for today's organisations. Making effective training initiatives a norm, it enables organisations to nurture talent, boost producti...
Author by:
Natasha Dhar

Simplifying HR Management with HR Payroll Software

Managing HR tasks can be a daunting challenge, but with comprehensive HR payroll software, companies have revolutionized the way they manage their human resources, offering streamlined, accurate, and...
Author by:
Natasha Dhar

Fortify your organisation's compliance and security with Ascent Contract Labour Management System

Managing contract labour is a critical task with significant compliance risks in today's complex business landscape. Failure to properly track and monitor contract workers can lead to costly penalties...
Author by:
Natasha Dhar

Revolutionising Payroll Software: From Manual to Automated

In today’s fast-paced business world, managing payment processes efficiently with payroll software has become critical for any business’ success. Manual payroll management is often time-consuming ...
Author by:
Lata Raina

Why Choose Ascent HR and Payroll Software for your Business Needs

When it comes to managing your company's human resources and payroll functions, having the right HR and payroll software can make all the difference. With over 2,000+ clients across 15 countries, Asce...
Author by:
Natasha Dhar

Ascent LAMS: A Leave Management System that Truly Understands Organisational Needs

When we set out to build an online leave management system, our priority was to develop a solution that understands and addresses the pain points faced by organisations. Today, Ascent Leave and Attend...
Author by:
Natasha Dhar

Ensure Complete Compliance with Ascent Contract Labour Management System

The contract labour management landscape today is highly regulated for the right seasons. Compliance, therefore, has become a critical success factor for organisations across sectors. Failure to adher...
Author by:
Natasha Dhar

A payroll software designed to make payroll processing effortless for finance teams

Efficient payroll processing is crucial for organisations of all sizes but can be highly daunting at the same time. Involving complex calculations, statutory compliances, and accurate record-keeping,...
Author by:
Natasha Dhar

Based on client feedback: Ascent Contract Labour Management System's most-appreciated features

Contract labour management has long been a pain point for manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, cement, and automotive industries. The absence of a reliable solution to streamline contractual workforce oper...
Author by:
Natasha Dhar
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